Impressionen vom 22. ICV 

Die Impressionen und Glückwünsche zum 22. ICV FlagBerlin2007, die uns auf dem elektronischem Postweg erreichten, sind nachfolgend in der Originalsprache wiedergegeben.

Jose C. Alegria, Spanien

Ralph Bartlett, Australien
Emil Dreyer, Schweiz
Jan Oskar Engene, Norwegen
Dov Gutterman, Israel
Art Etchells, USA
Željko Heimer, Kroatien
Bruno Jenssen, Deutschland
Walt Jurečič, Slowenien
Nozomi Kariyasu, Japan
Yoshinori Koshikawa, Japan
Ted Kaye, USA
Dong Lin, zZ. Großbritannien
Michel Lupant, Belgien
Jaroslav Martykán
Joan Merrington, Kanada
Peter Orenski, USA
John M. Purcell, USA
Rob Raeside, Kanada
Philippe Rault, Frankreich
Ian Sumner, Großbritannien

I must congratulate you for a great congress !

Best points:
-congress venue (Zeughauskino)
-accommodation (Alexander Plaza) recomendation
-the congress´ website

Weakest points:
-very small amount of tables for the "informal market" (bazaar)
-the congress flag should have flown at the museum´s mast or at the venue´s

Jose C. Alegria
Gijon, Asturias. ESP

After the very enjoyable "FlagBerlin 2007", Elizabeth and I toured across 12 European nations for a further 3 weeks before arriving home in Melbourne, Australia, in early September.  Hence my delay in replying to you.

To start with, we would like to thank and congratulate all the organising committee of "FlagBerlin 2007" and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Flaggenkunde, for a very professional, friendly, interesting and well run Congress.  Berlin was certainly a very good venue for this Congress, being the heart of Germany history and culture.  The Lecture translations were very good and easily understood.

Elizabeth, who has now attended five I.C.V.'s, greatly appreciated and enjoyed the additional tours arranged for the accompanying people.  In fact, of all the twelve I.C.V.'s that I have attended, "FlagBerlin 2007" had the best accompanying persons program.  I am quite sure that this made all the delegate's companions feel welcomed.

Having led the organisation and hosting of an I.C.V. (13th. in 1989) myself, I am well aware of and appreciate all the background preparation work and difficulties undertaken by yourselves to host this Congress.  Therefore, I can only give you again our thanks for a very good and enjoyable Congress in Berlin, for which you can be proud.

Looking forward to our next meeting and to receiving the Congress Report in due course.

Yours sincerely,
Ralph Bartlett
President, Flags Australia.
Pinewood, Victoria, Australia

Gerne berichte ich Ihnen über meine Berliner Kongresseindrücke. Aus eigener Erfahrung weiss ich, was es bedeutet einen Kongress zu organisieren, und deshalb kann man einerseits diejenigen nicht genug loben, die zum Gelingen des Kongresses beigetragen haben, von der Spitze um Gerd Vehres bis zu den freiwiligen Helfern, die Kaffee eingeschenkt haben, Photokopien besorgt haben, oder den Partnern, die einfach Geduld mit den Vexis haben mussten, andererseits ziemt es sich nicht, als zufriedener Kongressteilnehmer billige Kritik zu üben.

Der Kongress war sehr gut organisiert, die Werbung vor dem Kongress war effektiv, die Homepage erstklassig und professionell. Die Kongressmappe im nicht gerade dauerhaften Papiersack war vielleicht etwas mager, doch verdient die DGF für die Beilage des schönen, ausgezeichneten Ausstellungskatalogs grosse Anerkennung. In den letzten 30 Jahren haben meines Wissens nur gerade die Skandinavier und die Schweizer den Kongressteilnehmern eine vexillologische Publikation geschenkt. Bravo also! Hier zeigt sich wieder einmal, dass die Rückendeckung eines nationalen oder sonst gut betuchten Museums für solch einen Anlass praktisch ein Muss ist. Die Fahnen-Ausstellung im DHM war sehr gut, instruktiv. Die Bemühungen der DGF, das DHM als Schirmherr des Kongesses zu gewinnen, haben sich gelohnt. Auch die Geschichtsausstellung im Haus war sehr interessant. Im Museumshop habe ich dann ein paar Kilo Bücher gekauft.

Glücklicherweise war der Plenarsaal klimatisiert, ein grosses Plus im Kongress-Zeugnis. Über die Simultanübersetzung kann ich mich nicht äussern, da ich sie nicht benötigte. Prinzipiell punktet die DGF aber auch hier, denn die Simultanübersetzung ist für Teilnehmer ungeheuer attraktiv und für viele, die nicht das Glück haben, mehrere Sprachen zu beherrschen, auch nötig. Die Kosten der Übersetzung dürften andererseits den grössten Ausgabenposten der Kongresskasse verursachen, sofern dieser nicht freundlicherweise vom DHM übernommen wird (was ich für Euch doch hoffe).

Das Vortragsprogramm war gut strukturiert und in Themenbereiche gruppiert, Vortragende wurden von Tischpräsidenten begrüsst und vorgestellt, die Zeit wurde kontrolliert, Fragen wurden moderiert und am Vortragsende wurden die Referenten auch dankend verabschiedet. So wird's gemacht. Ein grosses Dankeschön auch an die netten Damen und Herren, die uns die Kaffeepausen so angenehm machten. Grossartig auch, dass der Basar nicht vergessen wurde, ein Highlight solcher Kongresse.

Leider spiegelte die Leinwand das Licht, so dass vom Saal aus die Farben nur blass oder in uniformem hellgrauen Matsch zu sehen waren. Schade, sind doch Farben das A und O der Vexillologie. Den langsamen Laptop bekam gerade ich zu spüren, da ich als Computer-Laie meine Powerpoint-Präsentation mit riesigen Bilddateien bestückt hatte, im Glauben, eine grosse Leinwand brauche eben grosse Dateien! Glücklicherweise hatten alle anderen Referenten das richtige Bildmaterial, so dass das Auditorium vor weiteren Peinlichkeiten verschont wurde.

Das Wetter war uns am Ausflugstag glücklicherweise hold, wie überhaupt die Kongresswoche mit schönstem Sommerwetter gesegnet war, was vor allem die Begleitpersonen freute, welche in Berlin aus einer Fülle von Sehenswürdigkeiten aussuchen konnten. Die Stadtrundfahrt für die Begleitpersonen war nach Aussage meiner Frau sehr interessant und vergnüglich, ein voller Erfolg. Sie lässt der DGF für dieses Angebot danken. Der Ausflugstag war gut gelungen, eine interessante Kombination von Sightseeing und Geschichte, wenn auch leider ohne Fahnen, sieht man einmal von der Brücke mit dem vexillologischen Geländer ab. Das Mittagessen war gut und üppig, die dazu zur Verfügung stehende Zeit war ordentlich bemessen. Höhepunkt war natürlich Potsdam, wo wir von einer prinzessinnenhaften jungen Dame sehr angenehm und intelligent durch die Räume und die Geschichte geführt wurden. Insgesamt kann man der DGF für diesen schönen Tag, wo die Geselligkeit Priorität hatte, ein Kränzchen widmen.

Schliesslich bleibt uns auch das Bankett vom Freitag Abend in guter Erinnerung, nicht nur wegen der vielen Ansprachen, der vielen Preise und Auszeichnungen, sondern auch wegen dem guten Essen und der Freundschaft, die uns alle verbindet.

Damit die DGF nun nicht vor lauter Lob gleich den Boden unter den Füssen verliert möchte ich doch noch eine kritische Bemerkung anbringen. Meines Erachtens gehört das Hervorheben einer nationalen Identität, zum Beispiel in Form der Nationalhymne bei Eröffnung und Abschluss einer solchen internationalen Tagung nicht ins FIAV Protokoll. Die FIAV-Hymne muss reichen. Die Flagge des Gastgeberlandes sollte neben den subsidiären Flaggen des Gastgeberlandes (z.B. Stadtflagge) und neben derjenigen der FIAV und der organisierenden Institutionen wehen, wobei die protokollarische Courtoisie befolgt werden muss. Das reicht dann. Natürlich kann man zusätzliche Flaggen aufziehen, z.B. diejenigen der Teilnehmerländer (wie wir es in Zürich 1993 hatten), sofern man Lust, Platz und Geld dazu hat.
In der FIAV haben wir uns immer gegen Tendenzen gewehrt, unsere Wissenschaft, unsere Tagungen durch nationale Symbole in die Nähe des Nationalismus rücken zu lassen. Aus diesem Grund auch haben wir z.B. nie einen Kongress von der amerikanischen National Flag Foundation sponsern lassen. Ich hoffe nur, dass wir uns in 2 Jahren in Yokohama nicht vor dem Bild des Tenno verbeugen müssen.

Nun, das wär's schon. Ich habe eine sehr schöne Zeit in Berlin verbracht, der Kongress war super! Ich möchte nochmals allen Organisatoren und Helfern für diese wunderbaren 5 Tage danken, das habt Ihr alle sehr gut gemacht!

Herzliche Grüsse,

Emil Dreyer
Zollikofen, Schweiz

I always enjoy visiting Berlin. The greatest thing about the congress this time was the superb location of the congress venue and the cooperation the organizers had with the DHM. This not only provided a professional setting with a well equipped auditorium that provided good technical support, including translation service, but also a very good permanent exhibition of flag relevance and the special exhibition on flags and banners. A second good great thing was the opportunity to meet so many people, something organizers should also be credited for because the attendance was so good. The organizers did a good job in attracting people. Further, the organizing committee had a good hand with most things practical, so that we had a smoothly running congress with no major crises. True, the expected workshops and panel discussions did not happen, but then facilities favored plenary sessions of lectures anyway. The poster format was a good invention and hopefully organizers of coming congresses will follow up this invention and develop it further at congresses in the future.
Most of the things the organizers were responsible for went very well. Some of the things outside their control, such as the topic and quality of some of the lectures/presentations, the emphasis on normative aspects of flag design, etc, there will no doubt be different opinions about. Also, the organizers cannot be blamed for the tendency to some loud voices among the international community of vexillologists that tend to criticize negatively and impolitely. Organizers should ignore this with a good conscience! You did a good job. Congratulations!

Best regards,
Jan Oskar Engene
Laksevag, Norway

I guess you all read Rob's report on the ICV. My report is quite different.
Every evening as I returned to my home away from home (I was staying at my cousin's apartment), I wrote few words about my impressions and thoughts. This is a short summery of those.
I must admit that visiting Berlin was quite emotional for me. This was my first visit at the former capital of the Third Reich and walking in the city reminds me, sometimes, of some old news footage of the 1930' and 1940'. However, this has nothing to do with the following notes.

I was happy to meet old friends and to be acquainted with some new ones. Ivan and Jonathan, for example, are bringing FOTW to new heights (literally!) and made me  think about organizing a FOTW basketball team. I think that with those two we can beat any other vex association.

There was not too many new (and young) faces in the crowd, and  most of them were of FOTWers. It seems that the young generation that got passion to flags, first find FOTW and only later join their national vex organizations. No wonder that FOTW was the most represented vex organization in the ICV.
However, I was less impressed by the program of the ICV. I know that the host was the German vex association, however I think that having third of the presentations about German flags was too much. I don't  know if there were no more suggestions but having five presentations on German sub-national flags in a single day (like we had in Thursday) was too much.  
I was wondering also about the time limits. There were 15 minutes and 30 minutes presentations. I don't know who decided about that, but giving Jonathan only 15 minutes to his very interesting presentation of Australian Territories flags, a thing that apparently limited him, and then giving 30 minutes to each East Prussia and Saarland after we already had a full morning session with three 30 minutes presentations on other German sub-national flags.
All of them were well made and well presented, however,  I must admit that I became bored sometimes by them.
Moreover, if you take out Central and South Europe, Oceania and USA, we are left with almost nothing. Nothing about the Iberian peninsula, France, UK, Former Soviet countries, South and Central America, Africa and almost nothing about Asia and Scandinavia.
There were good presentations and there were those that were less. I think that all the FOTWers did a very good job in theirs, Of course that it is a matter of taste, but I, personally, don't like the parade of flags" presentations which are trying to show the most flags available at short time, but I prefer the in-depth look on narrower subject (as Zeljko and Jonathan did) and the presentations  on theoretical issues (such as Marcus, Rob's and Ivan's (who also suffered from the 15 minutes time limitation)).
Few of the presentations were  recycling of already known issues and some were unnecessarily long, but most of them were interesting. BTW - I was wondering about Rob's reports about the guy next to him that took a nap and snored. I was just next to Rob and didn't hear a thing.....
One thing that I missed was the informal evening sessions. It is probably also because I wasn't staying at the hotel like the rest of the FOTWers.  At Stockholm, many of us were  staying at the same hotel which had a big lobby which become the center for  flag and NFR discussions after the congress day was ended. This time we  were spread and the Alexandra Palace Hotel has a very small lobby with no  place to big groups.
Well, I told you that I don't gave only praises, but in conclusion it was well organized congress and I enjoy most of it.

Dov Gutterman

My congratulations to the team that put on the conference. It was a great time and they did a great job. Everything worked very well but the star of the show to me was the city itself and the organizing committee certainly showed it off well.

I have been to FIAV conferences in San Francisco, Washington, Warsaw and Stockholm along with many other technical (chemical engineering) conferences in other cities and towns and this was one of the best. The facilities were excellent and having it in a museum was a special bonus. The restaurant next store allowed us to enjoy lunch together if we chose and that was a plus. The tours were well planned and relevant. There were plenty of optional social events such as evening dinners that added a lot to the sociability.  In many conferences there is not enough time for the attendees to meet and socialize but this was not a problem here. 
The chairman is to be specially complimented as he was always available and unfailingly helpful. The rest of the committee were equally helpful. The package of handouts was also excellent. I can think of nothing that needed improvement.
The talks were as usual a mixed bag as is to be expected from such a diverse group. I look forward to receiving the CD.
I have recommended Berlin to several people since returning including an organization that runs international technical conferences throughout the world.
I look forward to meeting you again at the next flag event or when I am in Germany.

Art Etchells
Philadelphia / USA

I would be glad to write down a few lines about the Congress.

I have been overly impressed with the smooth organization of all events. The balance between "obligations" (lectures and other official sessions) and the free program (optional meetings, lunch and coffee breaks...) was well balanced and we had much opportunity to both learn something in formal way and to learn much informally meeting colleagues and making friends.
The organization of formal events was well done. The technical support was adequately made, both in way of presentation equipment and sound support. The offered translation service was welcome and professionally performed. It may be noted that there were no observable technical problems during the whole Congress. The Congress venue was quite adequate with enough space for all activities and close to major city attractions as well as to the hotels where most of us were hosted. A minor downside was that there was no common space without public access to be used during the breaks and after the sessions where all the delegates could stay as a group, which might have provided stronger interactions among such large number of delegates. However, this was partially solved with the museum restaurant and surrounding space. The idea to list the optional-informal meetings during the lunch times, dinners and evenings in the Congress schedule greatly helped with this, enabling people to meet in "off-hours". This is certainly something that should be recommended to the next ICV organizers to follow. In comparison with other ICV's I attended (York, Stockholm, BsAs), the opening and closing ceremonies in Berlin were somewhat more modest, but this is in a way understandable.
The introduction of new mode of presenting works on ICV's with poster sessions was a welcome inovation. Although it seems to me that no all delegates quite got the idea properly and that it may take some time for vexillologists to fully accept this kind of presentations, it is my firm belief that this is a right way to go.
Regarding the oral presentations, it seems that the choice of topics and their grouping together was also well balanced between "local" topics, world-wide topics, more theoretical topics and "social science" topics. My impression was that the congress hall was quite well filled up during the all sessions, which is also a prove of that.

Hopefully, some of these thoughts is something to be useful to you. This is again an opportunity to thank you for all you did for us to feel comfortable and welcome in Berlin. I am sure that it was not a simple task and that there were many small (and probably not so small) things that had to be done that we were not really aware of. I would like you to forward my thanks to all the members of the FlagBerlin team, those who were visible, but also those who were "behind the curtain" enabling the congress to go smoothly.

Cordial regards,

Željko Heimer
Zagreb, Croatia

Für manchen Außenstehenden mag Vexillologie als ein skurriles Fach erscheinen, betrieben von ein paar mehr oder weniger weltfremden Hobbyisten. Aber Flag Berlin 2007 bewies erneut das Gegenteil. Flag Berlin war ein internationaler Kongress der FIAV, der weltweiten Organisation der Flaggenkundler aus aller Welt, ausgerichtet von der deutschen Organisation, der DGF. Aber der Kongress war keine deutsche Nabelschau, sondern international ausgerichtet sowohl nach den Teilnehmern, ob Redner oder Hörer, als auch nach den diskutierten Themen. Der Abschluss der Veranstaltung in Berlin war gleichzeitig der Beginn der nächsten, der 23. Tagung der FIAV. Der Schlussakt in Berlin war die Übergabe der Symbole an die Vertreter der japanischen Stadt Yokohama, wo der nächste Kongress stattfinden wird. Von Berlin nach Japan – weltweiter geht es nicht, für manchen leider zu weit.
Dieser Schlussakt verlief in einer für die ganze Veranstaltung typischen Atmosphäre: Sie endete locker quasi mit dem Vorspiel der nächsten in derselben lockereren Stimmung, welche die Woche in Berlin geprägt hat. Der Vertreter der nächsten Gastgeber empfahl seine Stadt mit ihren Vorzügen und Attraktionen. Darunter war auch die Feststellung, dass Yokohama eine der weltweit größten Chinatowns hätte. Bei dieser Empfehlung konnte er sich allerdings den folgenden Witz nicht verkneifen: Jeder wisse ja, dass Japan das Land der aufsteigenden Sonne sei, hingegen nach Meinung einiger Japaner China das Land mit der untergehenden! Nur eine sehr gute Atmosphäre erlaubt auch mal einen solchen Scherz.

Sehr beeindruckend war die Vielfalt der behandelten Themen. Die Teilnehmer erhielten einen guten Überblick, was auf dem Gebiet der Flaggenkunde in der Welt so geschieht, und das durchweg auf hohem Niveau. Es gilt für einige Wochen, wenn nicht Monate noch reichlich zu studieren. Jedem Flaggekundler sei angeraten, die vielen Gedanken, Literaturquellen, Fakten, Meinungen und Empfehlungen sich gründlich zu erschließen.

Aus der Vielfalt des gebotenen Stoffes ergab sich logischerweise, dass eigentlich jeder Teilnehmer Gelegenheit hatte, Neues zu lernen. Für so einen Grünlich in der Vexillologie wie den Verfasser dieser Zeilen galt das natürlich erst recht. Nur um ein Beispiel zu nennen: Die Reformatoren hatten bildliche Darstellungen in den Kirchen verboten. Die Taliban sind also nicht die Ersten! Es bleibt deshalb für die Auswertung der 22. ICV noch viel zu tun. Leider gibt es nun ein großes Warten auf den Konferenzbericht mit den vorgetragenen Beiträgen und das Hoffen, dass er möglichst bald zur Verfügung stehen wird. Um so lobenswerter ist die Tatsache, dass die Organisatoren des Kongresses in den ausgehändigten Tagungsmaterialien die „Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster“ vorgelegt haben. Wenn auch Quantität und Qualität dieser Abstracts erheblich voneinander abweichen, auf jeden Fall haben die Teilnehmer viele nützliche Aussagen zu ihrer Verfügung. „Denn, was man schwarz auf weiß besitzt, kann man getrost nach Hause tragen.“ Von den positiven Beispielen soll nur die Kurzfassung von Arnold Rabbow genannt werden. Diese Tatsache ist deshalb so erfreulich, weil sein Thema so wichtig für uns Deutsche ist. Die Erfahrungen auch dieses Kongresses beweisen erneut, auf die Aushändigung der Kurzfassungen in den Konferenzunterlagen sollte auf keinen Fall verzichtet werden.

Die Breite und die Vielfalt der möglichen Themen, die Gegenstand der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion unter Vexillologen sein können, sind bekanntlich infolge des Gegenstands der Flaggenkunde objektiv sehr breit. Dadurch kann aber passieren, dass die wissenschaftliche Tiefe der spontanen Diskussion unmittelbar nach den Vorträgen leidet. Das war auf dem 22. ICV der Fall. Man sollte deshalb in Zukunft auswählen. Dabei kann man sich allerdings keineswegs auf nur ein einziges Thema beschränken. Das wäre ebenso schädlich wie eine ausufernde Breite. Zu empfehlen ist eine kleine Anzahl von Themengruppen, die jeweils unter einer gemeinsamen Überschrift zusammengefasst und auch zeitlich im Block während der Konferenz behandelt werden. Das könnte auch eine größere Anzahl von Teilnehmern in die Diskussion einbeziehen.

Flaggenkunde hat auch fast immer mit Emotionen zu tun. Das wurde hervorragend in dem Beiprogramm genutzt. Das ist ja gerade die Kunst, solche Teile des Kongresses nicht zu steifen Zeremonien werden zu lassen, aber auch die notwendige Würde zu wahren. Das ist den Veranstaltern hervorragend gelungen. Gerade dass der enorme Aufwand, den die Organisatoren leisten mussten, quasi unsichtbar blieb, ist eine große Leistung. Es ist den Veranstaltern höchstes Lob auszusprechen. Stellvertretend für alle sei ein guter Geist namentlich genannt, Gerd Vehres. Fast immer und überall war er zugegen, hielt die Fäden zusammen. Wenn er auftauchte, wusste man, die Sache läuft. Er hat ganz wesentlichen Anteil an der herzlichen, kollegialen und häufig sogar freundschaftlichen Stimmung. Diesen Anteil teilte er sich mit seiner Frau, was auch die Kongressteilnehmer zu würdigen wussten.

Schade, dass die Woche so schnell vorbei ging.

Freundliche Grüße
Bruno Jenssen
Rostock, Germany

Der Berliner Kongress hat mir sehr gefallen und er war für uns sehr nűtzlich. Bei verschiedenen Zeitungen, Revuen und anderen Medien arbeite ich schon seit 1962 mit. So kann ich sagen, dass diese Sonderausgabe des Flaggenkuriers, die wir am Kongres bekommen haben, einfach grossartig ist. Das Heft ist auch heraldisch umfangreich. So möchte ich gerne an Euerer Revue mitarbeiten. Sage mir bitte, ob es in den nächsten 10 Tagen noch früh genug ist. Mit den "sumary" (die Denkschrift über den "FlagBerlin") werden Sie (DGF - Kollegium) mich sicher ehrfreuen.

Jurečič, Walt
Heraldica Slovenica, President
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Sorry for my bleted reply due to business trip to Australia/NZ last week. I attended only last two days so I asked JAVA member Mr Y.Koshikawa who fully attended ICV 22 to send his comment  to you.

My impression for rhe last two days is well organized with your members cooperation. I feel interpriters between English and German costs you much.

Nozomi Kariyasu
Tokyo, Japan

The following are my impression and comments, which I hope are useful for you.
1. The programme was well organized and properly and punctually done.
2. DGF's members and their wives/families contributed so much to proceed
    ICV22, which are quite impressive.
3. Lots of German members did their presentations and it gave us impression of
    your level of vexillology is very high.
4. One regrettable point is that flag parade was cancelled due to German
5. National anthem was necessary or not, which has opinions pro and con.
    Because vexillology is a science and neutral.
Of course I have to say much gratitude for your nice arrangements and giving us chances to do presentation for Yokohama in 2009.
 Kindly convey our JAVA's best regards to all your members of DGF and congratulations on your success of ICV22.
JAVA expects many DGF memebers will come to Yokohama and it will respond to whatever questions you have concerning ICV23.
Meanwhile we JAVA sincerely requires certain information on organizing ICV for JAVA's preparation for ICV23.
Thanks a lot. Best regards,
Yoshinori KOSHIKAWA (Mr.) in Bulgaria

Compliments on:

Providing choices of hotels/apartments—very helpful!
The accompanying persons program.  It was well done, particularly in the choice of tour guide as she spoke excellent English, was knowledgeable and thoughtful in her presentations, and she understood and could include humor.
We felt adequately informed ahead of time about what to expect.
Running the program on time!
The helpful and friendly volunteers
An excellent mix of programs:  presentations had great diversity.
The DHM was a super venue.
The simultaneous translation.  How marvelous to understand everything!!!
Stephanie Vehres.
 It would have helped if:

You had provided a list of where people were staying, or some means of communication among congress participants/accompanying persons.
You had provided a detailed map of the city and/or immediate congress venue neighborhood in the “gift bag", particularly for people just arriving.  Include local restaurants.
You provided detailed instructions/directions about where the first few events will occur would help those arriving just at the start or late.  The museum is a big building; exact street entrance needed.
Name tags had LARGER type.
Name tags were printed on BOTH SIDES, so no matter if they flip over.
The Flag Metamorphoses had been a part of the program, and with sound.
As part of the first session, have EACH attendee would stand up and say his name and country.
A local flag store had brought merchandise to sell one day, and taken orders.
You had provided a roster with attendees’ address/phone/e-mail information.
Thanks for asking--I hope you relay what you have learned to the Japanese.
Kaye, Edward B. (Ted)
North American Vexillological Association
Portland, Oregon 97210 / USA

My general impression that the Congress is successful
1.    good conference site
2.    well organised
3.    smooth running
4.    compact agenda
5.    extensive content of speakers
6.    proper congress room with Morden facilities

But I still think to have some defects
1.    The papers for proceedings described at website are not detail and specify. When I attend the 13th international production conference, committee asked the speakers to prepare the paper for proceedings with concrete font size (new roman 11, and format xx, margin xx), maximum words is 3000. Because I didn’t get such information I did lot of useless work.
2.    the congress theme is unclear,  the content is loose
3.    The congress doesn’t pass a bill or declaration. If the theme is the standardization of the national flag,  then congress should pass a bill and submit it to the international standardization committee of UN
4.    A Wellcome package should include a Berlin map; most people are first time come Berlin.
5.    The trip on Wednesday congress should provide water for us.


Sincerely yours,
Mr. Dong LIN
London, United Kingdom

As FIAV President I have to congratulate  the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Flaggenkunde and the Deutschen Historichen Museum for the organisation of the XXII International Congress of Vexillology “Flag Berlin 2007”. I have estimated very well your welcome and your reception. I understand you have paid a lot of time to organize this Congress but you can be sure, the Congress was a success.The Museum, in the city centre, as the site for the Congress was a very good idea. The sun was present and we were able to discover Berlin and its treasurers. Each informal meeting around a glass of beer or wine or in a restaurant was the occasion to meet again our friends from all around the world. I have estimated a lot the quality of the lectures and the friendship between the participants specially around a cup of coffee and some cokies at each break, thanks to Stefanie and her friends! The visit of Potsdam, well organized, shows us a beautiful castle and park and the lunch was very good. The must was the closing banquet, it was a while of great intensity specially when we have honoured vexillologists and remembered our past friends.

I express my gratitude as well to all those behind the scene doing big or little jobs, but none without importance, since a congress like this one would never have been possible without their assistance. I have a special thank to Dr. Gerd Vehres President of the organizing Committee who was the link with many participants, Dr. Hans-Martin Hinz, DHM who was the coordinator with and within the Museum,  Dr Andreas Herzfeld, Chairman and active support, Dr Marcus Schmöger the scientific coordinator, Hans-Ulrich Herzog for the organization of the Congress, Hans-Jürgen Malirs, the Congress’ treasurer, Jörg Majewski, the web-master and responsible for financial matters, Jörg Pattke, web-master and designer of the beautiful congress flag, and responsible for the stationery and to Daniel Hohrath, curator of the Special Flag Exhibition.

Michel Lupant
FIAV President
Ottignies / Belgique


When considering my participation at the FlagBerlin 2007 ICV I was sure that I would meet old friends not only those from Germany that I have been visiting almost every year but also colleagues from other parts of the vexillological world. And I am happy now that I decided to take part. The program of the congress itself and its organization were on a very high level, due to their careful preparation by the Organizing committee, I judge. Although there might have been some “invisible” problems caused to the organizers by an enormous number of participating people, we did not realize them; the congress became a great success. I found there many opportunities to discuss with old friends, to make friends with new personalities I met in Berlin and even to make many foreign vexillologists acquainted with results of the vexillological research done in my homeland. Thanks to stately assistance of the DGF members and their families everything was O.K. in this respect.

Despite my decision to ask finally for the proceedings of the congress I was quite disappointed with questionable professional level of some of the presented papers and their presentation. I was pleased to attend many interesting lectures given by famous experienced and skilled vexillologists, but some authors remained on the level of a simple description in their papers, reporting on flags without any deeper involvement. That’s a pity. However, impressed by the high level of organization of FlagBerlin 2007, the main headache I brought from Berlin to Prague was my ascertainment of how difficult would be to organize something similar without any essential support by both important public institutions like local authorities or museums and many active and good-willing members of the vexillological society. Basically right and comprehensible policy of FIAV to organize such events regularly in America and elsewhere out of Europe has caused that many European vexillologists wait until a congress takes place in Europe to attend it in mass. Thus, congresses hosted by the European vexillological associations have become mammoth-like events difficult to be prepared by local associations only. And I am afraid that under such unfavourable conditions we are facing now we will not be able to organize meeting of a similar importance in our country. Thanks heavens our Dutch colleagues are ready to organize the XXV International Congress of Vexillology in 2013. That’s one of the best news I brought from Berlin.

Jaroslav Martykán,
President of the Czech Vexillological Society

It had been my intention to write to thank Mr Vehres, and the Organizing Committe of "FlagBerlin 2007", for their kindness and hospitality which was greatly appreciated by my granddaughter, Ashleigh, and myself. We have just returned home as our trip also included a stay in London.
I shall be pleased to to let you have the following comments as requested :
The arrangements for the hosting of the Conference were excellent and well documented on line - all subsequent communications were efficiently handled.
The outings and entertainment were interesting, memorable and good fun.
The German Papers were especially interesting to me and I appreciated some of the solutions to problems of classification mentioned, as these are experienced by many international agencies. I look forward to reviewing some of these papers in the final electronic proceedings.
I personally would have appreciated more space for informal discussions and exchange of opinions during the day and for the display of posters etc, instead of only the rather crushed tea gathering.
One other  rather obvious failure concerned the size of a few visual illustrations displayed to the large audience - simple enlargements on a photocopier would have been a better choice.
I would be interested to read the opinions of other delegates.
Congratulations to your Committee on conducting a highly successful and most enjoyable Congress.
Kind regards,
Joan Merrington
Langley, BC, Canada

Thank you for asking me to send you my impressions about the ICV-22 Congress you helped to organize in Berlin.
First, the very fact that you asking for input AFTER the event is absolutely exceptional: I have attended ICV congresses for about 20 years on four continents and this is the FIRST time anyone has asked me to comment constructively on my experience. Bravo!
Let me start with the many, many positive things I experienced:
a. Your website was set up and available very early (almost a year in advance, I think) and the information on it was both accurate and helpful. For example, I was able to find excellent accommodations in a few minutes as early as February 2007.
b. The Congress venue at the Zeughaus was KLASSE! Cannot remember ever being in such an outstanding environment, ranging from topnotch security, to spaciousness, to excellent technical help and climate control. (However, I do look forward to the day when that monstrous statute of Vladimir Ulyanov in the lobby is ENDLICH broken up and the material put to better use. What im Gotteshimmel is it still doing there in 2007??!!)
c. Registration went smoothly and pleasantly, the tireless Gerd and Ulli were everywhere, and the lovely Steffi, Irene and Veronika expertly handled anything the guys couldn't ... ;-)
d. Congress materials were first-class, best exemplified perhaps by the high quality of the congress table flags we received -- you really went the extra mile to have an elegant product. I happen to know how much that costs. RE-Bravo!
e. Presentations times were disciplined without being inflexibly rigid and your moderators did a great job: one has to be both correct and flexible, and they did it very well.
f.  Marcus did a superb job making sure our PowerPoint presentations were available and correct and even made some heroic last-minute changes to save the day for a couple of lecturers. You must give him a bonus.
g. I understand your translators and headphones were very good, I didn't use them, but heard no complaints.
f. The three-bus day trip to was wonderful and the organization just about perfect. Those who'll invariably complain that we didn't see enough flags should take a happy pill, relax and try to comprehend that Berlin's rich history well deserves a little time off from flags.
Now a few comments that may benefit our friends in Japan:
1. Until you finally set up PayPal, paying registration fees from the US was difficult.  Please encourage the Yokohama ICV-23 organizers to set up credit-card payments, either direct or via PayPal, by January 2009.
2. The response to e-mails from organizers during the February-April period was sporadic at best. ICV-23 should be advised to set up effective e-mail communications with potential participants by February 2009, latest.
3. The name badges had several points that need to be improved, in my opinion:
a. The were hanging too low so that I was forever looking into people's navels. I didn't mind so much with the ladies, though they might have ... The names should be at eye level, that is, on the upper chest.
b. Too much space on the badge was taken up by a relatively useless imagery. Badges should clearly show people's names, and (maybe) the congress flag, that's it. Instead of taking up 1/3 of the space with an image, I'd suggest writing the name MUCH LARGER -- a considerable number of us are decrepit geezers and cannot clearly see 14-point type.
c. Also suggest writing the FIRST name twice as large as the last name -- it should be readily readable, even at navel depth.
That about does it for me, Flaggenbruder, hearty CONGRATULATIONS on your excellent effort! All-in-all it was a topnotch affair to remember! Hope you got some rest afterwards!
All best,
Peter Orenski
New Milford, CT, USA

I very much enjoyed my stay in Berlin and the FIAV conference at the Zeughaus.  The venue was very well chosen, not only because of its historical value and the vexillological displays, but also because of its central location in the city.  To me it seemed as if everything went smoothly; it was obvious that your committee planned the conference very well.  The information on the website was also very helpful, and it was a treat to meet many new attendees I had not known before.  The tour was quite interesting to me to see so many historical sites I had only read about before.   The luncheon was also a nice treat, though I felt sorry for the "Imperial Guard" in those heavy uniforms on such a hot day!.  All in all I think you in the DGF did a fine job, were extremely accommodating, and I thank you all once again for a most memorable conference.

Best wishes,

John M. Purcell, Ph. D.
Co-editor of Flagwaver
Great Waters Association of Vexillology

I had a most enjoyable time at the ICV 22, and got home safely.  It is very easy for me to get to Berlin via the Icelandair airline.
I would be honoured to have you use the summaries I provided for the FOTW people from Berlin - you can take them as they are, or if you want to clip out the non-flag-related bits (comments about German keyboards, smoky internet cafes, etc!) please feel free to modify them as you wish. They are all yours! 
Indeed I would be pleased to learn of the opinions you have received - I found the conference exceptionally well organized, and most interesting.

Rob Raeside
Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada

ICV XXII will remain for me one of my best ICVs (I went to seven of them so far).

Everything was perfect and I had a great time with all of it.

Furthermore I fell in love with Berlin. I feel now more Prussian than Breton ;-) ...!

Herzlische Bretonish-Preußische Grüße,

Rault, Philippe
Rostrenen, France

I thought it was all very good.

The venue was excellent, particularly since it was air conditioned (I remember the room in Stockholm, which was not, and that was very hard!). It was easy to get to, comfortable, and the restaurant was good and inexpensive.

The individual talks were generally very good, although I think one speaker had not done sufficient research into the subject. But that is not the fault of the organisers, as this particular speaker is normally well-prepared.

My wife says she enjoyed the Accompanying Persons programme. The tours were interesting with an informative guide, and a comfortable coach.

The recommended accommodation (we stayed in one of the apartments on the Wilhelmstrasse) was excellent.

Thanks to all the DGF team for such a good time.

Best wishes

Ian & Maggie Sumner
Beverley, East Yorkshire, United Kingdom

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